
Vídeo mostra levantador de peso quebrando joelhos na tentativa de levantar 400 kg


Um vídeo registrou o momento exato em que o levantador de peso russo Alexander Sedykh quebrou os dois joelhos na tentativa de levantar 400 kg,  durante o campeonato europeu de Powerlifting, realizado perto de Moscou.


O vídeo mostra quando Alexander segura o peso nos ombros e a barra enverga de tanto peso. A prova exige que o atleta faça um agachamento com o peso, momento em que os joelhos de Alexander se partem e ele grita de dor. É possível ouvir o barulho do osso quebrando.

Ele foi levado às pressas para o hospital e passou por uma cirurgia de 6 horas para reconstruir as duas rótulas.


Alexander também rompeu o músculo do quadríceps, na parte posterior da coxa, que teve que ser costurado.  Ele deverá ficar imóvel por 2 meses e depois terá que reaprender a andar.


Russian powerlifter breaks both knees as attempt to squat 400kg goes horribly wrong. : A Russian powerlifting champion has fractured both of his knees while attempting to squat 400kg (880lb). : Defending champion, Alexander Sedykh was competing in the World Raw Powerlifting Federation (WRPF) European Championships near Moscow when the terrifying incident happened. : In the shocking video, Sedykh's legs can be seen shaking after holding the weight on his shoulders. As he prepares for the squat with the enormous weight, both of his knees buckled horribly, and he cried out in anguish. : He fractured both his knees in the incident and also ruptured his quadriceps muscles. : Sedykh was rushed to the hospital, where he underwent emergency surgery on his legs. : The powerlifting champion who must now learn how to walk again said: “The main thing is that I must lie motionless in bed for two months.” : “Then I’ll be taught how to walk again. It’ll take time to recuperate. I’ve had my quadriceps resewn and my knees put back together.” : Sedykh also said he will continue his weightlifting career.

Posted by Osumenyi blog on Thursday, August 13, 2020

Com informações do Daily Mail.


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